Penney, Lauren

Lauren Penney
University of Arizona

I began working with BARA as a graduate research assistant in 2004 on the second iteration of the offshore oil and gas history project. During my tenure, I have worked on many different projects and in several capacities. My role has graduated and evolved from transcribing and editing, to report writing, to very brief stints in the field. For the most part, my work on the team has been based in the Tucson office, providing support and organization for our fieldworkers and team. Before beginning the study examining the Deepwater Horizon disaster impacts, I was critically involved in creating comprehensive data integration and management. This was a necessary, if not technically and organizationally difficult, step towards enabling us to build on our deep knowledge of the communities in which we work to understand the social effects of this event. Currently I am charged with overseeing data flow and management, as well as ensuring the smooth running of our extensive transcribing and note typing operations in Tucson.